Sunday, July 29, 2012
Have I mentioned how much I love my RE?
Long story short: I get to cycle this month!!
Recap: I got the news on CD2 that Dr. V was benching me until I followed-up with my PCP for the chest pain I experienced as few nights prior.
I was super bummed the rest of the day, but by the next day, I was out of my funk (I swear this process is making me bi-polar) and resigned to sitting out this cycle. I had an appt scheduled for Friday with my PCP per Dr. V's orders, and I got my gallbladder surgery set up for the following Friday. I even called to sign up for a 4-week bootcamp class but realized mid-convo that starting a new workout regime 4 days before surgery probably wasn't the best idea. Regardless, I was on the ball and moving along.
On CD4 (Friday), I went to see my PCP. He didn't seem too concerned with my symptoms, thought it could be gallbladder-related, but ran an EKG and took a couple x-rays anyway. Scans were good, EKG looked "tremendous," and the cute x-ray tech said I had very long lungs (aww, shucks) and was impressed by how quickly I was able to put my bra back on. Mad skillz.
PCP then called Dr. V's office to relay the information and give me the all-clear. He did say he'd recommend getting the gallbladder issue resolved before anything else.
The nurse he spoke to called me right after. For whatever reason, this nurse and I don't see eye-to-eye on much. I've already told and gotten approval from Dr. V that I wouldn't have the gallbladder surgery until I had a break cycle or until my symptoms got worse or more frequent. He was fine with that, especially since my only symptom is minor heartburn. You may be thinking, "Sandi, you had chest pain, that's kind of a big deal." I'm the most paranoid person in the world so, ordinarily, I would agree, but this was so minor and could have been anything, I'm just not all that concerned. This nurse couldn't seem to understand why I wouldn't want to have the surgery now when all I really need is Prevacid. After going back and forth for a while, she finally agreed to call Dr. V and ask him if I could start my meds a day later on CD4 instead of CD3.
He agreed!! Soooo I started my Menopur last night and will go back Tuesday for a follie scan. I'm not sure if he agreed because he thinks I'm really in the clear or if he agreed just to get me off their backs. I'll take it either way.
I truly feel like the worst patient ever. It's not my intention to be irritating or challenge them at every turn. I just feel like none of the people at my clinic know what this is like so they have no idea how stressful/frustrating/heartbreaking it all is. I honestly think I know more about many aspects of this than they do. It's their jobs, but this is my life. I live it and walk it every day.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Me and my big mouth!
Not quite. I just had to go and open my big mouth. "Well, my husband wanted me to ask about this." I then proceed to tell him I've been feeling fluttering in my chest and 2 nights ago had mild pain with a chill-like sensation down my left arm and about my family's history of heart disease.
So I ruined my only cycle I've ever not had cysts coming off of treatments. Good job, Sandi. I was so mad at Jason at first for having me mention it. How dare he be so concerned about his wife to make her ask about potential heart problems. What a jerk! (This was sarcasm in case you missed it.)
So I have yet another appointment with my PCP on Friday. This makes 3 times in 6 months when I hadn't seen him for 2 years prior. I'm totally going to try to downplay it like it's no big deal and see if he'll give me clearance without doing any testing. And I have a call out to schedule my gallbladder surgery. I'm still on the fence about that one. If I can let it slide, I will. I obviously take my health very seriously.
Oh, well. Bye-bye April baby.
CD2: Here we go again
If I do have to sit out another month, and let’s be honest, there’s a 99% chance of that happening, I do have some things on the agenda to keep me busy for those 3 weeks. First thing, Jason and I are going back to eating healthy in hopes to lose some weight. We did so well before. I mean, he lost over 65lbs and I lost over 30. That’s nothing to sneeze at. We just have to keep it up this time and can’t go back to eating junk.
Next, I’m getting back into running and working out. I love working out. It makes me feel better and healthier and stronger. It’s just so hard to get into a rhythm when you’re under doctor’s orders not to get your heart rate over 140 and no free weights or twisting or ab work during the 2ww, basically eliminating every activity except walking.
Last thing, which will involuntarily help with the diet and hurt with the working out, I’ll be having my gall bladder removed. It’s not ejecting the bile as quickly as it should – why does everything in my body work in slow motion? – so my doc and surgeon both recommended removal.
I reeeaaaalllly don’t want to have it removed, mainly for selfish reasons. I’m from Louisiana. We eat spicy foods. We eat fatty foods. No gallbladder means those things go out the window. I want to eat healthier so the fatty foods aren’t that big of a deal, but I don’t want to never be able to enjoy one of my grandma’s meals again. I don’t feel bad now, no symptoms besides mild heartburn and the occasional tummy ache, so I don’t want to have this surgery and feel worse than I do now, which I no doubt will. Bah. Boo surgery.
So if (when) I get the news today that my ovaries are full of giant bags of fluid, I’ll at least have some things to keep my mind less focused on the fact that I’m wasting yet another month and it’ll be just that much longer before we reach our goal.
Friday, July 20, 2012
I just don't understand where the problem is coming in. Is it implantation? Could it be egg quality? The sperm seems to be finding the egg. What's going wrong after that? It's so frustrating. I thought we were just dealing with an ovulatory problem. That's being taken care of so why does this keep happening? I feel like I'm stuck on repeat with all of this. Different cycle, different treatment plan, same outcome. I'm not sure how much more I can handle.
Jason and I had a good talk about our next steps. We have a lot of questions for Dr. V. Namely, what he suggests our options are and if there is anything we could be missing, testing-wide, procedure-wise, that could be keeping us from staying pregnant. I just wish we had some answers or at least something to work on.
I also have an appointment next week with a counselor who specializes in people with fertility problems. I'm still not sold that I'm going, but even tonight Jason says I seem to be growing numb to everything. It's my saving grace because if I wasn't numb to some of this, I'd be a ball of nerves or crying every waking second. I just compartmentalize it, put it in the back behind the milk, and try to forget it's there. Some days it works, some days it doesn't. Today, not so much.
Deja vu all over again
Nurse: So did you test?!Me: Yep.Nurse: And????Me: Nope.Nurse: Well, you never know!
Friday, July 13, 2012
One week down...
I did get some good news on Monday. My P4 at 3dpo was already 14.4! Dr. V likes to see it above 15 at 7dpo so already being that high is comforting. I'm still on supps because my P4 tends to drop off so the supps help keep my levels...level.
I started testing out the trigger yesterday, and I'm still getting a clear 2nd line today at 7dpo/9dpt. It usually stays in my system until around 11dpt so I've still got a couple days before I really start obsessively peeing on things. I go a little overboard with the pee sticks. It gets bad.
I'm trying to stay positive about this cycle, but I'm kind of numb to it - not overly hopeful but not overly pessimistic. Jason says he has a really good feeling about it, but he says that about every cycle. The eternal optimist. We went to a Japanese restaurant for lunch today, and I thought both our fortunes were worth keeping. Mine was "First to start does not mean first to cross the finish line." Ain't that the truth, wise Japanese fortune teller. It seems like we started on this journey so long ago and so many who started after us have already reached the finish line while we're still stalled in the gates. I don't think the wise Japanese fortune teller meant it in a negative way, but he surely made me feel like poop. Or maybe that was the golden Cali roll. Sooo yummy! Jason's fortune was much more hopeful. "Happier days are definitely ahead for you. Struggle has ended." Please, oh, please be true!
So in just 5-7 short days, I'll find out if I'm firmly pregnant, slightly pregnant and on the verge of another c/p, or not even a little bit pregnant and on the verge of an emotional breakdown. Which one will it be?!
Saturday, July 7, 2012
And the Wait Begins...
Trigger was 4th of July. It was funny because I was standing in my lucky socks, given to me by a fellow bumpie, while Jason gave me the trigger, donated to me by the same bumpie. She's now pregnant so I'm hoping some of her good mojo will rub off on me. Dr. V decided to bring me in at 3dpo for a P4 check and go ahead and start me on supps. I'm beyond relieved by this. While supps flippin' suck, they give me such peace of mind knowing my body is getting enough progesterone during the crucial implantation time. One less thing to worry about is fine by me.
We decided to forego IUI #3 and just did TI this cycle. Jason really wanted to try one last time with just us, and since his counts have been phenomenal, I agreed. I was a good girl and didn't do my usual routine of peeing on every stick in the free world last cycle, but I'm 99% sure I'll be reverting to my old habits this time, starting with testing out the trigger around 8dpt.
So bring on the 2 weeks of over-analyzing every twinge, cramp, bout of fatigue, craving, could be PMS-could be pregnancy symptom. Yay torment!
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Miss me?
I wish I could say I haven't posted because we got pregnant and I was waiting to share it with the world. Truth is, we did get pregnant, but like the 2 times before, it ended just as quickly as it began. I went from jumping up and down with the pups with a pee stick in my hand (shut it) to crying in the shower wondering what is wrong with me. Pathetic, I know. I hate chemical pregnancies. I'll never be able to be excited at the beginning of a pregnancy for fear it'll end just like all the others. Just one more thing IF has taken from me.
We did get some good news in light of the bad. Since that was our 3rd chemical, Dr. V (my RE) ordered karyotype testing done on both of us. Turns out, we're both completely normal! No major genetic concerns, which could have been the cause of our losses, so that's a huge relief.
Right now we're in the middle of another treatment cycle. It's been a rough go, seems like a lot is stacked against us, but we're still rolling. The baseline u/s showed a cyst on each ovary, and my E2 (estrogen) was 69. Usually, Dr. V likes it to be below 60, but he decided to let me continue this month so I didn't have to sit out again. Bullet #1: Dodged. A few days later, I had a consult with a general surgeon to discuss test results from my gallbladder scan. He recommended surgery for removal sooner rather than later, which meant cancelling the cycle. After talking with Dr. V, we decided since I'm not having any symptoms, we could continue and see how this cycle plays out. Bullet #2: Dodged. If I do get pregnant and I start to develop symptoms, I can still have the surgery, but if I remain symptom-free, I'll try to put it off until after delivery. If I don't get pregnant, I'll probably have cysts and have to sit out a month anyway so I'll get the surgery during that time.
So that's where we are right now. I'm on CD8 of an injects only cycle. We eliminated the Clomid and my lining yesterday was already better than it ever has been in the past. I did Menopur and Ganirelix injections tonight - Menopur to help stimulate the follicles and Gani to suppress my LH surge. I'm a pro with the Menopur now, but this was the first time I'd ever done Gani. The needle was so dull, it took 3 stabs before I got it in. Then it burned and itched like a mother for about 30 minutes. So yeh, not looking forward to 2 more nights of those. Eyes on the prize.