How far along: 10 weeks (1/25/13 – going back to Fridays starting my weeks)
Symptoms: Still tired all the time, but that’s about it.
Food aversions: None.
Food indulgences: I ate some fruit the other day and it was the best thing I’ve ever tasted in my life so I may have a fridge full of cantaloupe, peaches, pineapples, oranges, and grapes.
Doctor appointments: First OB appointment was last Monday and she said she had a feeling you were a boy. Eek! Everything looks great, but because my thyroid is wonky, I’ll have to see a high-risk doctor called a Maternal Fetal Medicine doctor, or perinatologist.
Most memorable moment: Seeing finger definition at the OB and telling your great grandparents about you. They were so excited. Mamo’s jaw dropped on the ground and stayed that way for a solid minute. I can’t wait to show you the videos of everyone reacting to the news. You are already so loved and wanted and you’re only the size of a prune.
Most anxious moment: Oddly enough, I’ve been doing okay this week. I got my Doppler and found your heartbeat pretty quickly. The next day, it took me a while, but I didn’t panic and eventually found you hiding out by one of my arteries. You were still there yesterday so I couldn’t get a great reading, but from my rudimentary methods (counting the beats in 60 seconds) you were in the 170 range, which is great!
Things purchased for baby: I went a little crazy and bought a big ticket item this week. Target was having a really good sale and I got caught up and…well. You now have a monkey swing and a free monkey bouncer. I probably should have held off on this but they are so freaking adorable and I think they’re replacing the monkey line with a bunny line and your mom’s a sucker for primates. I’ve decided no more big purchases until later on. We’ll see how long that lasts.
Milestones: The first OB appointment, or as a girl on TB says, the first “normal pregnant woman” appointment. And hitting double digits was pretty cool! We’re 25% there, kiddo!
Next appointment: I have no clue. That’s not normal, right? Well, I know I have another OB appoint on the 18th, but I’m 99% sure I’ll be having a MFM appointment before then to do the NT scan (@11-13 weeks). I’m going to ask about the MaterniT21 test too. It never hurts to ask. :)