How far along: 16 weeks 1 day. Time is flying by!
Fruit: Avocado
Symptoms: Still nothing major. I did have some intense lower back / tailbone pain that kept me out of work for a day, but I'm not really sure if it was pregnancy related because I've had lower back pain for the past couple years.
Weight gain: +1lb at my last OB appointment, but in reality, it's at least 5-7lbs, depending on the day.
Food aversions: Nada. I almost wish I had some sort of aversion so I would stop eating.
Food indulgences: Nothing intense.
Maternity Clothes: I bought one pair of pants a couple weeks ago and they are heavenly. My plan was to spend this weekend shopping for maternity clothes, but there are two problems. 1) I'm cheap. 2) I hate shopping. Maybe I'll force myself to go...tomorrow.
Movement? I think I feel something every now and then. Last night, I laid in bed really still, muted the tv, closed my eyes, and jiggled my belly. I felt a little flutter right after that. Almost like a tiny thump so I think that might have been your way of telling me to cut it out, which of course I didn't.
Doctor appointments: I had another OB appointment at 13w3d. It was very quick and painless. Well, almost painless. The gel they use to listen with the Doppler is heated and that mess was sizzling! Ouch! I'm also back to seeing an Endocrinologist for my thyroid so I met with her yesterday. Dr. V was running the necessary tests while I was under his care, but since I'm now pregnant, I get to go back to my very fun and bubbly endo. She was really excited to see me pregnant. Me too, lady.
Most memorable moment: Last time I went home, I took my Doppler with me so I could let your grandparents and great-grandparents listen to your heartbeat. They were amazed and so excited. Another perk of having you is your cousin, Reagan, who is normally very Anti-Aunt Sandi, is being nice because I have a baby in my belly. She even gave you a hug, which she never gives me. So you should feel special. It's also kind of nice being "out" at work because I get to talk about you now.
Most anxious moment: I don’t know if you’re just growing or what, but you’re causing some weird aches and pains in my belly that freak me out a bit. If you could somehow still grow at a normal pace without, ya know, stretching my belly like a rubber band, I’d be super thankful.
Things purchased for baby: Maternity pants and a cute "See/hear/speak no evil" set of owls. I saw this at a different store several months ago but couldn't force myself to buy it just for it to sit in a box in my closet waiting for the day you'd exist. When I saw it last weekend, it was like a sign from the heavens.
Milestones: Officially well on our way into 2nd tri!! I'm finally feeling like a normal pregnant woman. I know this seems silly, and the scars of IF run deep and definitely have not left me, but my mind is more at ease, and I’m able to sit back and enjoy what is taking place instead of worrying incessantly that something is going to go wrong. I honestly didn’t think that would ever happen.
Next appointment: My next appointment is in 9 days. I see the MFM in the morning for your anatomy scan and the OB in the afternoon for our regular 4-week visit. I'm so ready to see you again and find out if everything is okay anatomically. And that whole finding out if you're Levi or Emory. Your dad (and everyone on my side of the family) thinks your a boy, but I had a dream that you're a girl so we'll see who's right!