Wednesday, December 26, 2012

12/16/2012 - 4 weeks 1 day

(This post and the next few to follow were written on the dates listed in the titles. I wanted to wait until we were able to share the news with our families before posting these.)

I've been going slightly crazy the last couple days. I spent hours yesterday cleaning our bathroom. It was gross. You don't really notice until you're down on your hands and knees scrubbing like a madwoman but...eww.

I had really bad feelings yesterday. I was crampy all throughout the day and so, of course, I was fearing the worst. Had I gotten pregnant early on, I could've been one of those naive, blissfully ignorant woman that think nothing will happen to them. Unfortunately, I've seen too many woman have very unhappy endings to their happy news. So I'm a little (a lot) nervous about what could happen.

That being said, I went and bought more FRERs after church today so I could compare lines. Today's is darker than the one I took Friday so that makes me feel a little better. I go tomorrow for a follow-up beta so of it doubles properly, it'll put my mind at ease...for a few minutes anyway.

Jason went hunting yesterday. He joined his dad's lease this year and it's right near his parents' house so he goes and spends time with his family whenever they're done hunting. Yesterday, his mom and sisters were there. He said it was really hard keeping a straight face when they were talking about how upset I am and about our next steps.

I feel sooo bad fibbing to everyone. At least with my parents, I just said I got "bad news and needed a hug from my mommy." In my head, I said my "bad news" is not being able to have a beer for the next 9 months. So technically I'm not lying. Jason, on the other hand, is straight up lying. I'm pretty sure everyone will forgive our transgressions once we give them the news.

We're celebrating Christmas with Jason's family this Friday so we're going to tell my family and his this weekend. I know this is early for some people, but we're both very close to our families so if something bad did happen, we would tell them anyway. At least this way, we get to experience this joy with the people we care about most. And if, God-forbid, we lose the baby, we know we'll have the biggest support system to be there for us.

We're either going to wrap up a "shoes" picture with the whole "our family is growing by 2 feet" thing or we're going to take a picture of our pups saying "Baby T's Future Guard Dogs- Reporting for Duty 8/24/2013" or we'll give them the "Worth the Wait" onesies if I can find some more.

After we tell them, I'll be posting these.

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