I never uploaded my 12 week pic but here's today at 12w5d. It's not so much bump as it is the effects of eating everything in sight, but it's a start. Oh, and I’m calling the baby LT, short for Little T, and referring to
him in the masculine. We don’t know the sex, but I hate saying it or
he/she all the time. I’ll switch it up to feminine on my next post.
On to what this post is really all about. We had the Nuchal Translucency Scan today. First the good news then the details.
LT’s measurements were great and pending blood work results, our risk of chromosomal abnormalities is low! Woohoo!!
Now the details.
The NT Scan measures the fluid at the base of the baby’s skull. Combine the results of the scan with the blood work and that gives you a ratio of your baby’s chances of having chromosomal abnormalities, like trisomy 13, 18, or 21 (Down’s), Turner syndrome, or Triploidy. If there is too much fluid combined with poor blood work results, you have a higher risk. I’ve read that over 3.0mm is concerning, between 2.5mm-3.0mm is gray area, and anything under 2.0mm is good, obviously all depending on the results of the b/w.
LT's was 1.6mm so that's great!
Our appointment was at 12:45, and we got there 10 minutes early. There wasn’t anyone in reception (lunch from 12-1) so we signed in and sat down. There was a couple already waiting, another couple walked in right after us, a woman and her mom walked in next, and then a couple more couples and single women. So by the time the staff got back from lunch and called the first patient back, there were 8-9 pregnant women waiting to be seen by 2 doctors, at least 3 of those women were new patients. Yeh, our wait was nearly 90 minutes. I don’t get doctors.
I was too excited to let the wait bother me though. Jason on the other hand was not a happy camper. But when they did finally call us back, it was worth it. Tech Amanda took us to this big room with the u/s machine and a small flat screen for me to look at. This was my first outside ultrasound so I was just happy not to have to show new people my goods.
LT’s heart rate was 160bpm so it seems like it’s starting to lower from its past 170-175 range. We saw body parts galore! Not just a little squished looking gummy bear. There were arms and legs and feet and a spine and a face and nose. It was the coolest.
The tech tried to wiggle my belly to get him to move because he was apparently sleeping but it wasn’t happening. Stubborn and lazy…that comes straight from mom and dad.
After the tech got all her measurements, she left and Dr. B came in. I’d heard not-so-great things about him from several people so I was kinda bummed it was him and not the other doctor, but he was really great. Very personable, spoke in non-doctor speak, was laid-back. He did shake my hand a little sissy-fied but other than that, no complaints at all.
Once he talked with us a few minutes, he took another long look at LT. In the 10 minutes between scans, he had woken up and was moving all around. It was so weird to watch. Obviously, there is this living person in my belly moving around, but I don’t feel a thing. He kept jumping like he was being poked. So freaking cute!
Dr. B tried to get a look at the goods to tell us if LT is a he or a she, but he never was able to get the money shot. I was looking too because I’ve been reading about the Nub Theory and the Angle of the Dangle (someone’s going to type that in Google and be very surprised when they find this blog), but the legs were in the way the whole time.
After the scan, I got my finger pricked and they’re checking to see if I’m a cystic fibrosis carrier. I think this was checked when I did all my karyotype and RPL testing with Dr. V, but we opted to have it done anyway.
Next appointment with them is in 5 weeks. It’s the Anatomy Scan, or “the big one,” as Dr. B called it. I’ll be 17w4d. This is probably the most important scan as it tells you if everything is physically ok with the baby so I’m anxious/excited/nervous about it. We should also find out the sex then too which is exciting.
All in all, a very good day.
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