Sunday, August 18, 2013

BabyT: 39 Weeks

I'm officially 5 days away from my due date and still feeling great. I get the normal aches and pains. The event that is me getting up from the couch gave our friends a good laugh the other night. But all-in-all, I couldn't be happier with the way things have gone, and I haven't reached that "over it" point...yet. For being 39+2, I'm counting my blessings because I know a lot of women have it much worse this far along.
The last few weeks, we've made a major push to get everything finished up. We're such last-minute people, we were really walking a fine line there. But it all came together and pretty much all that's left is to pack our bags.
The nursery is completely done, and I'm so happy with how it turned out!! I'll make a separate post with pictures on that later. The carseat is installed, just need to get it checked out by the state troopers (doing that tomorrow). Thanks to my parents, we've got freezer meals to last us a while (the chicken spaghetti, ham, and tenderloin are already calling my name!).

This is my last week of work, and my boss and my boss's boss will both be in a meeting out of town. So basically all I really plan to do is some last minute training with my replacement and leave early every day. :) I'll work from home on Wednesday, the day of my next appt with Dr. T, and I'm debating just not going back after that except to turn in my computer. It's so weird to think about being off for nearly 3 whole months. I'm hoping there's a way I can keep in contact because no one really knows how to do what I do, and I'm afraid my programs are going get all jacked up and be a nightmare to fix when I get back. Oh well. Job security.

Yesterday, we met with our doula, Pam, for the final time before the big day. Or as my mom calls her, our Paula Abdoula. Or as my dad calls her, our witch doctor. Hey, I get it honest. 

We walked through a couple labor scenarios, and I think it helped us better prepare for what we'll do in early and active labor. She gave me a scenario, then she gave Jason a scenario and we both described what we'd do in early and active labor for those. It helped us kind of see where we were comfortable and where we might need suggestions on what to do. For me, I have a list of things I can do in early labor, but when active labor hits, I wasn't really sure what I should try as far as relaxation and coping techniques, so it really helped to walk through that.

Today was pretty great. Both my parents and Jason's parents came up to visit. It was the first time we've had them over together, and I loved having them both here. We talked a little about what to expect when we go into labor. I think both our moms are worried we're not going to call them when everything starts to go down. I would never keep them in the dark like that. 

But our labor will be completely different than a typical labor. I've only ever been to a few labors but they were all pretty similar - family and friends are in the room, hanging out and visiting until it's go time. Which is great...if you have an epidural. Or if you're not me, an introvert who gets overwhelmed with a lot of people around.

That's not really a possibility for us. By the time we get to the hospital, I'll be in a lot of pain. I'll probably be vocalizing a lot, and hopefully everything will be looking good so I can be up walking around, bouncing on my ball, hands and knees position, maybe in the tub if my membranes are still in tact. Best of all...minimally clothed. Believe me, no one wants to see that. ::shudder:: And I know I'd be highly uncomfortable being observed while in that state, even by my own mom.

I've been really lucky with how supportive our families have been. I know they are worried about me and might even think I'm a bit crazy. I'm okay with that. But none of them have said that to me or have told me horror stories or tried to talk me out of anything. It means a lot to me to not have to worry about being met with negativity and pessimism. So while I'm sure they think I'm out of my gourd, they've shown me nothing but support, both sides of my family, and for that I'm so grateful.

My dad has the utmost confidence in me, and today simply said "You can do it. You'll do fine." It's something he's said to me my whole life because that man believes I can do anything. They're words I'm hanging on to because I know he truly believes in me and believes I can do it, and that gives me so much motivation and encouragement. I know I'll think back to that moment when things are getting tough and I'm wanting to give up. Jason believes in me. My dad believes in me. They know I can do it. I can do it.

Sorry, this whole natural birth thing has been dominating my thoughts lately so that's obviously spilling over into these posts. Let's move on to the usual.

How far along: 39 weeks (8/16/13)
Fruit: Watermelon

Symptoms: Nothing new. Heartburn and not the best sleep most nights.
Weight Gain: It's so funny. I'll gain 2lb one week and none the next. I think right now I'm right at 30lb.
Food cravings/aversions: None this entire pregnancy. I wish I would've gotten some random craving and sent Jason to the store at 2am, but alas, nothing.
Movement: I actually got worried for a day or two there because his movement decreased significantly, but it's back to normal now.
Labor signs: Had a few contractions the other night, but they weren't intense and they went away when I got up.
Nursery status: Done! Whew!!
Rings On/Off: Band on my pinky.
Doctor appointments: Last Tuesday I was 1cm and 60-70% effaced. It wasn't much of a change from the week before. I'm also GBS negative so that is awwwwesome!
Most memorable moment: Definitely having both sets of parents in our home today. It'll be the last time until we see them all at the hospital when Levi is here. The last time to see them before we become parents too. ::sings "The Circle of Life"::
Most anxious moment: Those couple days when I wasn't feeling him move as much. I even whipped out the doppler, which I have done in months probably.
Things purchased for baby: Got a few last-minute items. Bought my K'Tan and I'm sooo excited to use it. I even tried it out on Kitkat. She wasn't quite as excited.
Milestones: I think every day is a milestone now. :)
Next appointment: Dr. T on Wednesday.
Looking forward to: I guess the only thing left is birth. That's kind of a big deal, yeh?

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