Monday, January 28, 2013

BabyT: 10 weeks

How far along: 10 weeks (1/25/13 – going back to Fridays starting my weeks)

Symptoms: Still tired all the time, but that’s about it.

Food aversions: None.

Food indulgences: I ate some fruit the other day and it was the best thing I’ve ever tasted in my life so I may have a fridge full of cantaloupe, peaches, pineapples, oranges, and grapes.

Doctor appointments: First OB appointment was last Monday and she said she had a feeling you were a boy. Eek! Everything looks great, but because my thyroid is wonky, I’ll have to see a high-risk doctor called a Maternal Fetal Medicine doctor, or perinatologist.

Most memorable moment: Seeing finger definition at the OB and telling your great grandparents about you. They were so excited. Mamo’s jaw dropped on the ground and stayed that way for a solid minute. I can’t wait to show you the videos of everyone reacting to the news. You are already so loved and wanted and you’re only the size of a prune.

Most anxious moment: Oddly enough, I’ve been doing okay this week. I got my Doppler and found your heartbeat pretty quickly. The next day, it took me a while, but I didn’t panic and eventually found you hiding out by one of my arteries. You were still there yesterday so I couldn’t get a great reading, but from my rudimentary methods (counting the beats in 60 seconds) you were in the 170 range, which is great!

Things purchased for baby: I went a little crazy and bought a big ticket item this week. Target was having a really good sale and I got caught up and…well. You now have a monkey swing and a free monkey bouncer. I probably should have held off on this but they are so freaking adorable and I think they’re replacing the monkey line with a bunny line and your mom’s a sucker for primates. I’ve decided no more big purchases until later on. We’ll see how long that lasts.

Milestones: The first OB appointment, or as a girl on TB says, the first “normal pregnant woman” appointment. And hitting double digits was pretty cool! We’re 25% there, kiddo!

Next appointment: I have no clue. That’s not normal, right? Well, I know I have another OB appoint on the 18th, but I’m 99% sure I’ll be having a MFM appointment before then to do the NT scan (@11-13 weeks). I’m going to ask about the MaterniT21 test too. It never hurts to ask. :)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

First OB Appointment

We got to see our little Nemo swimming away again at Monday’s OB appointment. I don’t really like the way they do the u/s there. The tech had the screen facing her the whole time while she was doing her thing then at the very end, turned it around so we could see. At least she turned on the sound quickly so we could hear the heartbeat. That never gets old.

When she did finally show us the screen, there was an ultra-wiggly baby with fingers! I don’t know if their machine picks up more definition, but we definitely didn’t see fingers 3 days before. It was the neatest thing.

After the scan, we met with the OB and loved her! She’s younger and was really nice, not uptight, doctor-y like I’m used to. It’s refreshing! She’s referring me to an MFM because of my thyroid so I’ll be getting monitored a little more closely throughout the pregnancy. I’m very cool with that. My first appt with them will be in a few weeks. I asked her about the NT scan (she was impressed I knew my stuff) and the MFM will be handling that as well, which takes place around 12 weeks.

There’s a simple blood test called MaterniT21 you can have around 10 weeks that tells you if the baby has any genetic abnormalities, for example, Down’s Syndrome, but it also tells you the baby’s sex. I doubt I’ll be offered it since I’m younger than 35 and don’t have a history of genetic disorders in my family, but it would be so nice to have peace of mind AND to know the baby’s sex that early. It’s a very new test, started within the past year or so, and I think it will eventually take the place of the CVS or amnio, but it’s also controversial because some believe it’ll lead to a higher percentage of abortions.

I went ahead and told my boss. His initial response was “ok, let me just sit back and take this in for a second.” Not really what I was expecting, but he went on to quickly say he was of course very excited for us. He knew about the fertility treatments – 16 months’ worth of doctor appointments would have been cause for concern without an explanation – so he was obviously aware of the end goal. I think he’s just a little nervous to have to figure out what he’s going to do without me while I’m out on maternity leave. I don’t really play a vital role, but I provide a lot of data and am the administrator for several programs that he has no clue how to handle so it’s going to be an interesting adjustment.

I got my Doppler in today and was able to find the heartbeat after about 20 minutes of searching! It's going to be so reassuring to hear the baby's beating heart any time I feel like it. 

I’m finally starting to relax and be hopeful that this is going to work out. I can’t wait to tell the rest of our family. I’m holding off because I have a feeling some of my family won’t be able to keep from spreading the news before I’m ready for the world to know so I’ll probably wait to tell them until after the NT scan. My grandparents are going to be over the moon. I can’t wait to see their reactions!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

BabyT: 9 weeks

How far along:  9 weeks 

Symptoms:  More of the same and not a lot of anything. No m/s, just a little queasiness if I get too hungry.

Food aversions:  None. 

Food indulgences:  None. I do get random cravings but I think it's more my love of junk food than pregnancy. 

Doctors appointments:  We had our last appointment with Dr. V yesterday! It was such a relief to see you up on the screen "doing a chicken dance" in the words of your pops. You measured perfectly - 8w6d - and had a great heart rate of 174bpm. We even got a little recording of your heartbeat to show all the grandparents. Your dad said seeing you moving around somehow made it all real for him. He's such a sap. ;) 

Most memorable moment:  Obviously, seeing you again, moving and wiggling and having a grand ol' time in momma's belly. I'll never get tired of that. 

Most anxious moment:  Waiting for the doc to come in yesterday. Your dad was late and they called me back really quick so I thought he was going to miss it. Luckily, he made it but then the doc kept us waiting for 30 minutes. I was a nervous wreck that entire time. Sweating, upset tummy, it was not pretty. 

Things purchased for baby:  A JJ Cole diaper bag I got for 50% off, thanks to my friend KristyKay. It's purty. I have no idea what I'll need in a diaper bag, and I have a feeling it's one of those "learn as you go" type things so it may end up being great or I may hate it, but for $50, I couldn't pass it up. Your dad likes to call your mom frugal. I like the term financially conscientious. I also bought a doppler so I can hear your heartbeat anytime I want. This is what's going to help keep your mommy sane for the next 31 or so weeks!

JJ Cole Norah Diaper Bag

Milestones: Hearing your hb, seeing your growth, watching you dance, and being released from the RE. It was a big week! Oh and based on Dr. V's calculations, you're due on your great grandmother's birthday - August 23.

Next appointment: I go Monday for my first OB appointment. I doubt it'll be much more than peeing in a cup and having some blood work done. I heard some great things about her from your Auntie Kelli and one of the nurse's at the clinic who used to work for her so I have a good feeling about her.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

BabyT: 8 weeks

Has anyone seen my energy? I’ve seemed to have lost it. It’s kind of sad that I’ve been too exhausted to use my big brain long enough to write a new post. In fact, I’m only doing this now so I don’t fall asleep at my desk.

How far along:  8 weeks (1/12/2013)

Symptoms:  Did I mention I was tired? Pretty much in a constant state of exhaustion. It probably wouldn’t be as bad if I actually got some decent sleep, but that seems like an impossible task. I guess you’re preparing me for when you make your debut. My boobs are still sore and the past few days I’ve had an ever-so-slight queasiness throughout most of the day. I *think* I may be getting a cold. Really hope it’s not the flu.

Food aversions:  None.

Food indulgences:  None really. I don’t think I can blame my normal Panda Express addiction on you. Mmm Sweetfire Chicken.

Doctor appointments:  Zero! Zilch! None! How am I expected to go weeks at a time without seeing you or hearing your hb?? This is cruel. I’ve already told your pops that I’ll be investing in a doppler so I can put my mind at ease during those long periods of nothing.

Most memorable moments:  Nothing really.

Most anxious moment:  I’m anxious a lot. Kind of all the time. But I’ve been trying to remember what the Bible says about worry and anxiety. “do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Phil 4:6-7 

Needless to say, God has been hearing from me a lot. It’s honestly all that is keeping me sane, the peace of knowing God’s heard my prayers for you.

Things purchased for baby:  A huge 60-count of progesterone! Usually, the Rx is only for a 20-count. It was so exciting because this means Dr. V is giving me enough to carry me through until 12 weeks, which is when I’ll likely stop them. Also, not really a purchase but our good friends are giving us a crib, dresser, and nightstand! Hooray for free!!! Well, we’re taking them out on a date, but still, you’ve got some swag, kiddo!

Milestones:  Nothing huge.

Next appointment:  Friday – only a couple more days. I can make it! If all goes well, I’ll be released to my OB, who I have an appt with on Monday. I’m anxious to meet the person who’s going to help bring you into this world.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

BabyT: 7 weeks

I got this format from another pregnancy blog I happened upon when I went crazy googling low, slow betas. I really liked her weekly tracking so I'm going to do something similar.

How far along: 7 weeks. (I keep going back and forth on if Saturdays start my new week and everything I read says yes so I'm sticking with that.)

Symptoms: Nothing major. I'm loving my swollen pregnancy boobs and being able to more than fill out my bras. Hubba hubba! On the down side, they are quite sensitive and....itchy. I've been a little more exhausted than normal with off-and-on slight cramping, but other than that, nothing. No nausea or sickness (yet).

Food aversions: None.

Food indulgences: None.

Doctor appointments: We had an u/s today at 7 weeks. You had a strong heart rate of 146ish bpm and were measuring 6w6d, which only puts you a day behind. I'm very okay with that. You get a gold star!

Most memorable moment: Seeing and hearing your oh-so-beautiful heartbeat. It was the most precious sound in the world. You had your pops and me in tears. I'm pretty sure you've already got us both wrapped around your finger and you don't even have fingers yet.

Most anxious moment: I pretty much live in a constant state of anxiousness and nervousness. I over-analyze every single mildly uncomfortable twinge and 9 times out of 10, it's just gas. I will say that after seeing you looking so strong today, I was finally able to relax and enjoy the thought that you exist and you're growing in my belly, and that's the way I pray things will stay for the next 33ish weeks.

Things purchased for baby: Nothing this week, unless you include the u/s.

Milestones: Seeing you and hearing your precious heart beating. Kid, you got the goods.

Next appointment: Not for 13 more days!!! I know by then I'll be back to my normal, worry-filled self. At least if things looks good then, chances are very good that you'll be sticking it out for the long haul. And, in the words of Dr. V, I will have graduated from the program. I asked if I get a certificate or anything. Your dad said we'd be getting a birth certificate. I'll take it.

Happy New Year!!