Sunday, January 6, 2013

BabyT: 7 weeks

I got this format from another pregnancy blog I happened upon when I went crazy googling low, slow betas. I really liked her weekly tracking so I'm going to do something similar.

How far along: 7 weeks. (I keep going back and forth on if Saturdays start my new week and everything I read says yes so I'm sticking with that.)

Symptoms: Nothing major. I'm loving my swollen pregnancy boobs and being able to more than fill out my bras. Hubba hubba! On the down side, they are quite sensitive and....itchy. I've been a little more exhausted than normal with off-and-on slight cramping, but other than that, nothing. No nausea or sickness (yet).

Food aversions: None.

Food indulgences: None.

Doctor appointments: We had an u/s today at 7 weeks. You had a strong heart rate of 146ish bpm and were measuring 6w6d, which only puts you a day behind. I'm very okay with that. You get a gold star!

Most memorable moment: Seeing and hearing your oh-so-beautiful heartbeat. It was the most precious sound in the world. You had your pops and me in tears. I'm pretty sure you've already got us both wrapped around your finger and you don't even have fingers yet.

Most anxious moment: I pretty much live in a constant state of anxiousness and nervousness. I over-analyze every single mildly uncomfortable twinge and 9 times out of 10, it's just gas. I will say that after seeing you looking so strong today, I was finally able to relax and enjoy the thought that you exist and you're growing in my belly, and that's the way I pray things will stay for the next 33ish weeks.

Things purchased for baby: Nothing this week, unless you include the u/s.

Milestones: Seeing you and hearing your precious heart beating. Kid, you got the goods.

Next appointment: Not for 13 more days!!! I know by then I'll be back to my normal, worry-filled self. At least if things looks good then, chances are very good that you'll be sticking it out for the long haul. And, in the words of Dr. V, I will have graduated from the program. I asked if I get a certificate or anything. Your dad said we'd be getting a birth certificate. I'll take it.

Happy New Year!!


  1. Congrats on hearing the heartbeat! That's a huge milestone!
