Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Me and my big mouth!

Had my CD2 u/s today. I was taking bets on whether or not I had cysts, all the while secretly hoping I didn't because I wasn't feeling intense cramps/twinges like I normally do. Right ovary first - just a small little hazy sucker. Nothing that will stop us. The left ovary - clear! Yaaaay! Same protocol as last time, come back in 4 days, good to go. Great news, right?

Not quite. I just had to go and open my big mouth. "Well, my husband wanted me to ask about this." I then proceed to tell him I've been feeling fluttering in my chest and 2 nights ago had mild pain with a chill-like sensation down my left arm and about my family's history of heart disease.
Those were the brakes being put on my cycle. Dr. V benched me until I get it checked out. I did everything I could, intentionally and unintentionally, to change his mind. I said I thought it really was nothing and Jason was over-reacting. I said I knew I had Mitral Valve Prolapse and that was what was causing the fluttering - nothing major. I cried like a little girl (not embarrassing at all!), I even called back later saying I would sign a waiver or whatever it took. No dice.

So I ruined my only cycle I've ever not had cysts coming off of treatments. Good job, Sandi. I was so mad at Jason at first for having me mention it. How dare he be so concerned about his wife to make her ask about potential heart problems. What a jerk! (This was sarcasm in case you missed it.)

So I have yet another appointment with my PCP on Friday. This makes 3 times in 6 months when I hadn't seen him for 2 years prior. I'm totally going to try to downplay it like it's no big deal and see if he'll give me clearance without doing any testing. And I have a call out to schedule my gallbladder surgery. I'm still on the fence about that one. If I can let it slide, I will. I obviously take my health very seriously.

Oh, well. Bye-bye April baby.
These were today's lucky socks (thanks, Sara!). They did their job AND got called "funky" by my very dry RE. If only they came with a feature where they would jump off my feet and stuff themselves into my mouth whenever I was about to say something foolish. Let's get somebody on that prototype.

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