Friday, July 13, 2012

One week down...

One to go! This week actually hasn't been bad, but it's usually the 2nd half of the 2ww that makes me go a little cray cray.

I did get some good news on Monday. My P4 at 3dpo was already 14.4! Dr. V likes to see it above 15 at 7dpo so already being that high is comforting. I'm still on supps because my P4 tends to drop off so the supps help keep my levels...level.

I started testing out the trigger yesterday, and I'm still getting a clear 2nd line today at 7dpo/9dpt. It usually stays in my system until around 11dpt so I've still got a couple days before I really start obsessively peeing on things. I go a little overboard with the pee sticks. It gets bad.

I'm trying to stay positive about this cycle, but I'm kind of numb to it - not overly hopeful but not overly pessimistic. Jason says he has a really good feeling about it, but he says that about every cycle. The eternal optimist. We went to a Japanese restaurant for lunch today, and I thought both our fortunes were worth keeping. Mine was "First to start does not mean first to cross the finish line." Ain't that the truth, wise Japanese fortune teller. It seems like we started on this journey so long ago and so many who started after us have already reached the finish line while we're still stalled in the gates. I don't think the wise Japanese fortune teller meant it in a negative way, but he surely made me feel like poop. Or maybe that was the golden Cali roll. Sooo yummy! Jason's fortune was much more hopeful. "Happier days are definitely ahead for you. Struggle has ended." Please, oh, please be true!

So in just 5-7 short days, I'll find out if I'm firmly pregnant, slightly pregnant and on the verge of another c/p, or not even a little bit pregnant and on the verge of an emotional breakdown. Which one will it be?!


  1. I'm right there with you! I am 7dpo and ready for the next week to sail on by. I already had my 'breakdown' last night after the acupuncturist told me there is no way to have a viable pregnancy this month. My chart was actually WAY better than any other month. Crazy! So I obsessively searched for charts that looked like mine that had BFPs. Geez.

    Hope your week goes fast!

    1. Sorry I'm just now replying! I can't get on at work and I never think to at home. I hope you had better news than I did!

    2. Nope :( Not this month, I've already begun my next cycle.
