Monday, December 10, 2012

9dpo already??

This 2ww is moving right along. I don’t know if it’s the relief I feel that's keeping me from being so flippin’ obsessed or what, but I can’t believe there are only a few days left. And I’ve had ZERO desire to POAS. That is a monumental breakthrough for my addiction.

I’ve been feeling twinges in my lower belly. Not really cramps, but specific, sharp pains. They only last for a second but they’re painful and often enough to notice. I’ve had some on my right side, some on my left, and some in the middle so it’s random.

For whatever reason, I’m terrified if I do get pregnant, it’ll be ectopic so every sharp pain on either side, I have a split-second panic attack, even though I know it’s still too early even if it is ectopic.

I also went today to get a disc of my HSG photos. Drove to the hospital, waited, got the disc, took it back to work, put it in my computer…..nothing. 702mb free of 702mb. There was nothing on it.

Jason was going to go get it for me but of course it’s the one day he has to stay at work later than normal so I had to ask my boss to leave early. Technically, I don’t need it today but I’m so curious, I really want to see the images tonight. Plus, I want to make sure to get it in the mail as early as possible tomorrow.

Skip ahead: I got the disc and viola! Pictures!! To my untrained eye, my left tube looks great but my right tube looks like it has a kink in it where the dye pools. It still flows into my ovary so it may be nothing, but I'm anxious to see what Dr. S says. Sending it off in the morning.

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